Sunday, August 19, 2007

Just the Basics

Arr, got in half the runs last week, walked about 10km each day though on top of normal exercise, so that must count for something on the weight loss side of things.

So goals are to at least get in these runs and to actually plan the exercise time in to each day to try fit it around work and life!

Sun- AM - rest PM walk for 2 hours
Mon - AM - 4mi run PM - Exercise bike +Abs
Tue - AM - 2mi Treadmill Run + Abs PM - Exercise Bike
Wed - AM - 4mi Run PM - BodyPump Class + Elliptical + Abs
Thu - Rest
Fri - AM - 40 Min Bicycle PM - Red Arrow + Exercise Bike + Abs
Sat - AM - 5k Race

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Getting Back On the Wagon

Well, the last 10 days have not been good training wise. This last week I think I managed a single 2mi run and thats it. Eating and general feeling of wellness suffering too.

Life got in the way and I just let it keep getting in the way. My grandfather is very ill and has been transferred from the nursing home to hospital. A couple thousand miles away so I can't see for myself how he is doing. This triggered something something.

I'm going to try and use the exercise to avoid depression coming back. I think i may have lost some fitness, my body definitely feels softer, but the plan of attack for this week, is below. At a minimum, all of the runs.

It's only a temporary setback, no excuse to get back onto the couch.

Sun- AM - 1mi easy (just to get back in the habit) PM - Strength (Upper) + Pilates + Hike up the Red Arrow
Mon - AM - 3.5mi run PM - Exercise bike +Abs
Tue - AM - 2mi Treadmill Run + Abs PM - Exercise Bike
Wed - AM - 3.5mi Run PM - BodyPump Class + Elliptical + Abs
Thu - Rest
Fri - AM - 40 Min Bicycle PM - Red Arrow + Exercise Bike + Abs
Sat - AM - 5mi Run + Elliptical + Hike

It seems to work better when I write it down and plan it out every day.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I don't want to

Because I think too much about EVERYTHING, this article struck a note with me.

This is a short excerpt from a longer story, its related to tri training, but easily applies to running that I am doing now.

"Sure I kept telling myself that I didn't want to swim, but every single action that I undertook this morning pointed to the single premise that I did, in fact, want to swim. I didn't think I wanted to swim, but apparently I was wrong."

It's a good read at

I find myself in this situation often, on my out and back loops from home. "I don't want to" but somehow I am. Yeah I am a bit insane :)