Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hooray! Rest Day

Thanks for dropping by and leaving comments. I feel like a real blogger :)

Well, I made it this far into the week. And thankfully the schedule says rest day for today. Normally i find this the hardest part of the schedule to follow, but not this week.

First week ever of 3 days running in a row. But it was raining and I am a big girl's blose, so to the treadmill I headed. Treadmills are the devil's work and I have an idle mind. I listened to some of Stephen King's 'On Writing' and 'Blaze' while running but all too often, the running mantra of 'bored, bored, bored, bored etc' would slip in.

Somehow I made the distance every day, not fast times but 3mi, 2mi, 3mi on Mon-Wed so thats something great :) The only parts of my program I skipped were elliptical and abs last night. After running 3mi, then doing a BodyPump class I figured that was enough calories burnt and abs worked for one day. I can shuffle the extra abs workout to Sunday and that kinda fits into the same week.

Kinda sore today, but not the bad kinda pain, just the kind that tells you that effort has been put in. Saturday is a planned 4mi run, so I will do that by the Esplanade to give me some distraction. Slow & steady.

Best (and only) running purchase of the week, is a crockpot style slow cooker. Wooh, load it up with meat, veges, rice and some liquid in the morning, set it on auto and come home from gym to a yummy meal which just needs dishing. Easy to wash afterwards too. As morning aren't my strong suit I will probably load it up the night before and refrigerate, then stumble into kitchen and hope I can work out the auto setting :) It is running related really!

And the non running/exercising part of the post, because it tickled my funny bone. 'Man cold' a short video clip about why men just feel SO much worse when they get sick. Enjoy!

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