Saturday, July 21, 2007

Why Run?

I have always wanted to run but been unable due to bad back issues, pinched nerves, sciatica and so forth. In my internet travels, I ran across where a lot of people of different shapes, sizes, ages and fitness levels were talking about the Couch to 5 k running program. Basically, a gentle run-walk interval program over 9 weeks where many people have graduated and moved on (eventually to longer distance endurance running).

The next few years of my life will be living 6 months in Cairns and 6 months in Sydney, so a portable and accessible exercise option like running (just some shoes and out the door right?) sounds great! Cairns is beautiful weather, warm 9 months of the year with ocean, flats and hills to explore. Sydney is a large city but set by the water also, with many parks.

So, I thought I would start the C25k and see where it led me. I found a great group of people on coolrunning and we all encouraged each other as we progressed. It works! I can now run 30 mins non stop and 3 miles in around 35 mins non stop, depending on whether I am going for time or distance on any given day.

It seems surreal that I can run after 20+ years of wanting it, but it's true. After 20+ years of being held back by my health, it really astounds me I can do this and keep doing it.

So, where to from here? I have registered for the World Wide Half, and hoping to be prepared for a Half Marathon (21.1km) by mid-October.

After that, who knows? Maybe a marathon or a triathlon somewheres.

No limits to what I can do, if i work at it and train, slowly but steadily.

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